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All about Sony PRS-T1 and Sony PRS-T2 Electronic Books and more

© 2012-2014 Chitalkin Gavriil
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Last updated 2019/12/04.
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All about Sony PRS-T1 and Sony PRS-T2 Electronic Books and more
♦  Main page  »  Reference. Tips & Tricks.  »  User manuals for Sony Reader PRS-T1 and Sony Reader PRS-T2 in English and in Russian

User manuals for Sony Reader PRS-T1 and Sony Reader PRS-T2 in English and in Russian

SONY PRS-T1 Russian manual. Cover.

SONY PRS-T1 Russian manual. Page sample.
Russian User manual page samples
The internal memory of the new device has just brought from the store already has a few books that are loaded by the manufacturer. The complete manual in ePub format is among them. It is assumed that the owner will immediately start to the study of "embedded" instructions after the device is powered on models that designed for the Russian market contain the Russian manual and the models for the U.S. market - the English one.
It is not always convenient to study the user manual directly on the e-book. Many people want to read the guidance before purchase. Sometimes device is already taken out of the box and it needs to be fully charged. While it is charging, one can read the manual on the personal computer or laptop. In addition, much more convenient to read the manual in Russian, while the particular book is loaded with English-language manual.
This section of the site provides the links to the complete user guides for Sony PRS-T1 and Sony PRS-T2 in both languages (the User Guide for Sony PRS-T2 is not currently available in Russian). Documents are using PDF format and prepared easy and friendly reading on an e-book screen. All the titles and terms are formatted as hyperlinks to provide the quick and easy navigation through the text and makes the answer to your question easy reachable. If you prefer to read in Russian and you have the "American" reader, it is recommended to download the Russian version of the manual and store it in memory of the electronic book. And certainly you have to read it carefully.
Of course, the documents below do not include items for installation and using of alternative firmware and application packages. Anyone interested in this topic may get knowledge of the relevant sections of this site (in Russian at a moment).
User Manual for SONY PRS-T1 in Russian (PDF, 12 MB)
User Manual SONY PRS-T1 in English (PDF, 12 MB)
User Manual for SONY PRS-T2 in Russian (currently not available)
User Manual SONY PRS-T2 in English (PDF, 14 MB)

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