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All about Sony PRS-T1 and Sony PRS-T2 Electronic Books and more

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Last updated 2019/12/04.
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♦  Main page  »  Reference. Tips & Tricks.  »  Enter or exit Demo Mode on Sony PRS-T1 and PRS-T2 books

Enter or exit Demo Mode on Sony PRS-T1 and PRS-T2 books

Demo mode is designed to demonstrate the device at trade shows and in shop windows. This mode is absolutely not necessary for the average user, but sometimes due to incorrect installation of software or any application the device goes into demo. One can accidentally enter Demo mode by random sequence of buttons pressed at boot time. Below is a guide which you can try to get out of this mode. It should be noted that since January 2012, in latest versions of alternative firmware the possibility to get into demo mode is turned off. The Demo mode application itself (and a number of other applications are not necessary) is removed from the Android operating system in order to free up additional space for the installation of custom programs.
The material available at the link How to activate or deactivate Demo Mode on the Reader Wi-Fi used when preparing of these instructions.
How to enable or disable the Demo mode in Sony PRS-T1.
Turning off the Demo mode in a device Sony PRS-T1
Turning off the Demo mode in a device Sony PRS-T1
Turning off the Demo mode in a device Sony PRS-T1
1. Carefully insert the end of the straightened paper clip into the hole on the bottom of the unit to the subtle click. Remove the clip from the hole.
2. Press the power button to turn on the device.
3. When you see the text "Opening Book" on the screen simultaneously press and hold the two buttons and .
4. Wait until the screen "Home" appears plus additionally wait for not less than 5 seconds, and only then release the buttons and .
How to enable or disable the Demo mode in Sony PRS-T2.
In the Sony PRS-T2 Demo Mode is controlled by a setting in the system settings. Just touch "Applications" - "Settings" - "System settings" - "Demo mode".
Disable Demo mode in a device Sony PRS-T1
See also:
How to activate or deactivate Demo Mode on the Reader Wi-Fi.

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